CPX xChange

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Add "Back" button to screens

Adding a back button (not browser) will give users the ability to simply return to the primary search area.  Example:  If you select Institutions from the left sidebar, it takes you to the list of institutions.   Select an Institution from the grid.   Now, when you want to go back to the list, even if you reselect Institutions, you cannot go back to the grid list.  Have a "Return to List" button (back button will save a user from having to go out and then back into their initial selection.

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Brandon Iglesias commented
    April 13, 2018 15:26


    Thank you for this request, If you are looking at an institutions detail screen and click on the institution left-hand navigation menu you will be navigated back to the grid. 

  • Guest commented
    February 27, 2018 20:14

    This should apply to each screen where a list or grid is exposed from the left sidebar navigation set