CPX xChange

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make CPX xChange even better! 


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CPXP-I-163 Ability to use special characters in Supplier DBA.

Allow special characters in DBA name Merged

Idea Form

Your email address (bailey.squires@prioritycommercialpayments.com) was recorded when you submitted this form.
What customer is requesting this feature? *Don't freak out if the customer isn't listed below, that's what the "Other" field is for

  • R365

What is the current problem they're facing? *Briefly explain what the user was trying to do in order for them to identify that something is neededThey would like special characters to be allowed in DBA name
What is the desired outcome? *Explain what the user believes will help solve this problem

For - _ : ; ' ( ) # % & / \ { } [ ] *- to be allowed in DBA name

If we have questions about this request who internally should be involved? *It would be nice if we put actual names here instead of departments

    • Account Manager - Bailey Squires

Who is paying for this enhancement to be developed? *

  • Priority Commercial Payments

Business category for enhancement *

  • Enhancement (something that's great to have needs to be paid for)

  • Bailey Squires
  • Sep 16 2019
  • Shipped